Encouraging beekeepers through education and shared experiences to have healthier and longer lived honey bee colonies.

About Four Corners Beekeepers

Four Corners Beekeepers was founded in 2009, and with 16 years behind us and over200 members we have a lot to offer. Our numbers are one of our strengths. We can offer services like better quality package bee ordering, equipment borrowing, and low cost seminar costs, so that everyone can afford to learn more about keeping our bees alive and healthy. The shared experience of our many members means we all learn faster when we don’t have to make mistakes or discoveries all on our own. All beekeeping is local, right? There is no replacement for local knowledge and experience, what works elsewhere doesn’t always work here. We have a great mentoring program, so that beginners can gain confidence more easily, and experienced beekeepers learn from seeing someone else’s hives and bees. We host social events, and hands-on beekeeping workshops. There is so much more, join our group and take advantage of it all!